Monday, August 21, 2017

Probably Not Just Coincidence...

I’ve adapted this little puzzle from one of the recent "Riddler" postings over at FiveThirtyEight blog:
Say (you know just for the sake of imagination), that you’re the President of the U.S. and your panties are in a wad because there are too many leaks coming from your Administration. So of course you wish to catch the sniveling culprit and axe them from your staff. Thus, you hatch a plan: You will give, at different times, different stories out to each of your 100 staffers and watch to see what bits end up in the press — we’ll assume there is just one leaker and they always leak what they know to the media. How many different concocted stories, minimum, do you need to feed to your staff of 100, in what manner, over time to be able to identify the leaker?
.answer below
7 stories are required IF you release them sequentially as follows:
The first story is told to half your staff (50 people) and withheld from the other 50 staffers. If it is leaked, you immediately know the leaker is among the first 50, or, if it doesn’t leak, the leaker is in the other half. Whichever 50 staffers are still suspects, give 25 of them a new story, and withhold same from the other 25. Repeat this process and you get a sequence like this: 100, 50, 25, 13, 7, 4, 2, 1, such that within 7 steps you’ve narrowed the search down to one culprit.
[p.s…: any resemblance between this process and our current Administration is probably not just coincidence.]

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